

Aging with A Plan: How A Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow, Second Edition, First Hill Book (2022)
[In Depth]

Aging with A Plan:  How A Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow, Praeger (2015).

Electronic Health Records and Medical Big Data: Law and Policy, Cambridge University Press (2016).

Book Chapters

“Medical Data Privacy and Security in the AI Age,” in Ethics and Medical Technology (Matthew Altman and David Schwan eds., Springer Nature, forthcoming 2025)

“Vulnerable Populations and Vaccine Injury Compensation: The Need for Legal Reform,” (with Katharine Van Tassel) in COVID-19 and the Law: Disruption, Impact and Legacy (I. Glenn Cohen et al., eds. Cambridge University Press 2022)

Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination Based on Prediction of Future Illness” in Deep Diving into Data Protection 1979-2019 : Celebrating 40 Years of Privacy and Data Protection at the CRIDS 365-79 (Larcier 2021) (with Mariah Dick)

“Privacy and Integrity of Medical Records,” in Oxford Handbook on Comparative Health Law (Oxford University Press, 2019)

“Personal Health Records as a Tool for Transparency in Health Care” in Transparency in Health and Health Care in the United States: Law and Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2019)

“Big Data’s New Discrimination Threats: Amending the Americans with Disabilities Act to Cover Discrimination Based on Data-Driven Predictions of Future Disease,” in BIG DATA, HEALTH LAW, AND BIOETHICS (Cambridge University Press, 2018)

“Privacy and Security,” Oxford Handbook of American Health Law (2015)

“Electronic Health Information Security and Privacy,” Harboring Data: Information Security, Law and the Corporation, (Andrea M. Matwyshyn ed., Stanford University Press 2009) (with Andy Podgurski)

“Health Care in the United States: A Matter of Right or Privilege?” Health Capital and Sustainable Socioeconomic Development (Taylor & Francis 2008)